Monday, February 25, 2008

I hate charter

So I am sitting trying to CHAT LIVE with a Charter representative trying to find out why my bill went up $4. They say my HD tier went up. What the heck is HD tier. I want to start I hate Charter club so please all sign up and lets take this beast down. I have been told 3 different things since i signed up this time and each time my bill went up. Charter is set up for people to stay with them 6 months and then disconnect just to reconnect so they can get a deal. Shouldn't it be the other way around. Should't members who have been with them for a long period of time get the deals. So tonight I have talked to Gregory, Willie, and now Shiela. Non of them know whay they are doing. They only read lines from the charter book of "what to say when a customer figures out we are skrewing them" when customers ask WHY. But what can we do, if you go to Dish Network you still almost pay the same amount but I will give them a try at the end of my deal. Oh my goodness, i am almost cussing at my computer because once again i have been disconnected. Charter sucks..chant it with me, CHARTER REALLY SUCKS. I am sorry for this boring blog post but i just haven't had time to post anything cool. Well i just found out the FCC is a networking privacy fee. You ask what does that mean. I say please call charter to find out because I don't know. I am not watching PDIDDY in a movie on TV trying to act. Wait, there is John Stamus also.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The World of NCAA

Is there anything in your life that for the amount of time that you playing/doing it that you are able to act like a fool and a dork and really don't care. Is there anything in your life where you can have 48 people in your life that you know by name and know their history (high school, abilities) and can even yell at them an have no repercusions (spelling?). Is there anything in your life where all your troubles can be taken away with a small thing called power button (even though I never use that method)? Let me introduce you to NCAA football for the XBOX. Sure it is the thing that may break up most relationships and usually the first thing that may go in a marriage unless you want to lose it in a divorce case just to see your ex-wife throw it off a 5 story building to destroy it when in reality all she would have to do is kick it really hard because the XBOX is pretty sensitive but what else in your life can make you go into a small depression when your XBOX blows up or your game gains a small scratch. I consider my NCAA football game in my top five list of things I would run into a burning house to gain. This list includes my wife, a large portion of money, my donkey because he fell asleep while watching Mr. Ed and we all know donkeys are sound sleepers and my house shoes. With NCAA i can yell at the top of my lungs while my beautiful wife walks by and gives me the "I can't believe you are yelling at the TV" look but yet she understands because it is NCAA football and Kodi Burns should of spin moved away from the All American DE and then thrown the ball 50 yards off his right foot while throwing it across his body with the other All American LB diving for him and then as the ball is tipped 5 times Kodi runs and catches the ball and runs for a touch down. Now in reality we know that we should have sympathy for Kodi for a play like and just be happy if he could throw the ball away but no in NCAA football XBOX style. In XBOX are you not only expecting players (your players) to play beyond computer capablity and anything that is less than a 50 yard gain is unacceptable but you are also living out your High School, College, and Pro life through this machine and IT IS NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK TO win the National Championship every year and the years you don't requires a small yelling fit that should take place in a locker room but since XBOX has no locker room, the living room of your house will do. I must say there have been nights that I would get out of bed at 2:30 in the morning just to make my team pay for inability to get me a win against the spread offense (the offense that has become my unicorn). But thanks to my wonderful life that still lets me pursue my dream of going undefeated on Heisman level (yes guys that is right, I have never went undefeated on Heisman levelm -- there is always that one game for me) but I will continue to love my wife and run the option and become the best.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wedding Date date was Dec 29, 2007

Thanks Erin for proof reading it

Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 1 of Blogging: Get to know us

Day 1 of blogging and BP's mind is blank.  Mrs. Payne (Erin) is currently brushing her teeth.  We are about to watch the movie Invisible which is our FIRST NETFLIX movie. Sad thing is that I (BP), tore the free return envelope for the DVD to go in because I wasn't paying attention.

How I see this blog going is just random thoughts of things thay may happen throughout my days and updates for future events.

A little about the Payne's:  We just recently got married on Dec 20, 2007 and live in Arab. I am 27 while my amazing new wife is 22.  I graduated from Auburn and her from Alabama.  I am not a great speller but work as a Project Software Manager while my beautiful wife is looking for a job. She will one day (hopefully fairly soon) quit her new job to stay home on the CHICKEN FARM-----MY DREAM.  I am in the market for land and a donkey.  I have already started my cattle farm with my following lovely ladies:  BOOTS, SUMMER, AUTUMN, SHASTA, SAVANAH, MASSY, LIBY, CHARLOTTE, WEB (the baby of CHARLOTTE) and our new baby calf born last Sunday DAISEY.  And don't forget our bull calf who doesn't get named because he will be in our tummies one day.  Sure Erin is not too happy about all the bad smells a chicken farm brings but her not working is a perferct counter to that argument.  I love TOP 5 lists and here is one now

TOP 5 THINGS I said I would never do:
1)  Blog
2) Facebook
3) Be friends with a guy named BULL
4) run 8 miles
5) own an NYSNC cd (it came from my wife -- her cds are my cds)

The Payne's own around 650 music CDs and we LOVE JESUS!!!

There is a little about the Payne's and more to come soon!!!